
Secrets of Scuttlebutt’s: A Culinary Adventure

Since 1982, Scuttlebutt’s Seafood Bar & Grill has been reeling in locals and visitors with its scrumptious seafood spread. Brace yourself for a menu brimming with oceanic delights: shrimp, oysters, crab, fish, you name it! But worry not, landlubbers! Scuttlebutts also anchors down some mighty fine non-seafood dishes like succulent burgers and crisp salads that’ll keep even the fussiest eaters afloat.

Set your sails for island vibes at Scuttlebutt’s, where the atmosphere is as laid-back as a sea turtle riding the waves. Drop anchor inside or enjoy the balmy ocean breeze on their outdoor patio. And let’s not forget their fully-loaded bar—time to splice the mainbrace, me hearties!

Ahoy there! Back in the 1800s, a “scuttlebutt” was a cask with fresh water for sailors. It became a gossip hub where tall tales and rumors spread like wildfire among seafarers. So, next time you hear “scuttlebutt,” expect some juicy chatter!

Update as of March 10, 2023, our beloved restaurant Scuttlebutt’s Seafood Bar and Grill faced an overnight fire, prompting them to close until further notice. Locals are speculating on the cause while eagerly awaiting their return, but in the meantime, they’ll explore other coastal delights and keep the witty hometown chatter alive!

Fitness by the Shore: Island Fitness Center Spotlight

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie just starting out, Island Fitness gots your back. The community’s…